Works Published at 24/02/2021

Construction of machinery for the PUY DU FOU park

Production equipment / Show machinery

The union of the industrial expertise of HYNOXELIS and REOREV has made it possible to carry out a project for the large PUY DU FOU park located in the Vendée department (85) :


« bringing huge illuminated sets with on-board actors out of the bottom of a lake, dragging them across the surface of the water, then making them disappear again into the depths of the lake »

This was the expression of the need formulated by the PUY DU FOU teams in charge of the new original show « Les Noces de Feu ». 

Behind this new challenge was a real technical challenge.

And it is in partnership mode that the teams of HYNOXELIS and REOREV accompanied the PUY DU FOU in the realization and installation of the machinery allowing the mysterious appearance of the Pianist Virtuoso and the Coach pulled by his swans.

Thank you to the PUY DU FOU teams for their trust !

Let's continue this dynamic of uniting our regional know-how to build and provide innovative technical solutions to the actors of the territory.

Let's keep innovating to turn our dreams into reality !