Works Published at 30/03/2017

Helicopter simulator

Industrial product development - Machining & Assembly

The Reality H helicopter simulator (B level) was conceived by Thales in order to train helicopter pilots to the most challenging flight conditions, especially on Airbus Helicopters’ EC135 platform which is the most used model in the air work, medical transport but also during perilous interventions in the mountains or the coast. This simulator is able to reproduce the realistic flight conditions in any weather, to train pilots in an environment as close as possible to real-life missions. They can thus train to land during a storm, or to realize a technical intervention in an environment which requires flawless piloting, such as an offshore oil rig.

The simulator can also be a substitute for training hours on an actual helicopter, and allows pilots to practice dangerous flight procedures without any risk and for a much lower cost. The two latest Reality H (B level) models from Thales have been installed on a naval air base in Nowra (Australia), and are destined to train pilots of the Australian armed forces for the next 25 years.

During the development of this product, based on the study made by our calculation department, Thales wished to entrust us with the realization of the dome and part of the mechanical structure of the simulator. The detailed study that we made of the docking’s station (the dome) of the Reality H simulator (B level) allowed us to lighten the weight of the cabin and the floor, reinforce the rigidity of the structure and thus reduce the production costs, allowing us to increase the competitiveness of the product.

Thanks to our global approach, we were able to offer our client quality, costs and design improvement gains, while allowing them to focus on their own core business: digital simulation.