Works Published at 30/03/2017

Study and realization of a motorized chandelier for the Corneille chapel in Rouen

Engineering services / Production equipment / Show machinery

After 20 years of work, the Corneille chapel of Rouen (listed as a historic monument since 1910) was able to regain its former splendour. It was thus transformed into an auditorium able to accommodate 700 people for concerts. The reopening took place on February 4th, 2016.

In partnership with a designer, we designed this particular chandelier which now decorates the auditorium. This ball chandelier with imposing dimensions: 6.5 meters and 4 tons, located over the stage and handling 3 functions in the chapel. One hemisphere is a mirror and has the aesthetical function to show the audience an anamorphosis of the chapel. The other hemisphere is equipped with lighting and heating for the musicians. The rotation of the chandelier is possible thanks to an integrated motorization. The third function is handled by an acoustic lens which is able to redirect the sound towards the audience and avoid for it to get lost into the heights of the chapel. This function can be adjusted thanks to a winch situated in the attic of the chapel and which allows the elevation of the chandelier and the acoustic lens.

This chandelier project received the BATIACTU trophy of construction 2016 in the arts professions category. This prize rewards expertise and innovation demonstrated by the construction field. The jury especially enjoyed this inventive realization both technical and artistic, and which required the combination of the expertise of several art artisans.